Which singletrack trail grade is for you?

This section explains in more detail the individual S grades and the necessary technical skill required. It
assumes that conditions are ideal. 


No challenging features. Usually smoothly flowing tracks through forests and pastures. Natural surfaces with solid grip or compacted gravel. No tree roots or steps to be expected.


Trails may include small roots and stones.


Expect larger roots and stones. Surface often loose. Steps and moderate scales. Lots of narrow curves. Gradients with sections of up to 70% or 35 degrees.


Rugged singletrails blocked by rocks and roots. Lots of sharp drops, toboggan-style turns and gnarly slants. Relaxing passages on occasion.


Steep singletrails with lots of large rocks and/or challenging sections with tree roots, intersected by loose surfaces. Tough climbs, sharp bends and large chain-scratching steps.


Characterised by obstacles, tough climbs, large steps and drop-offs.  Prolonged steep and extremely steep sections; loose and rocky surfaces and slides. Steps in rapid sequence and obstacles such as fallen trees.

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